
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Press Confrence in Allahabad.Utter Pradesh

There was a Press Conference at Allahabad on 27.08.13 .Its to promote and create awareness on  Banana Project among farmers in U.P.

RamaChandra Patel ,A farmer ,who is a  beneficiary of Banana Fibre Project&Successfully operating the fibre unit is explaining his experiences to the media

Media People are admiring with the Banana Fibre Products

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dinamalar,Agri Expo at Vellore.Tamil Nadu

There was an  Agricultural Exhibition  at Vellore.A famous Tamil Daily DINAMALAR Conducted the fair.300 stalls were in this venue.We had put a stall for Agrobased projects,Especially To Promote Areca Leaf platesProject/Banana fibre Project/Handicrafts projects in Northern region of TN.Near about 25.000 people visited and gained the knowledge in above mentioned projects.
Entrance Of DinaMalar,Agri Expo At Vellore.


Mr.K.C.Veramani. Honorable Minister for Public Health ,Govt Of TamilNadu,Sri.Shankar.IAS. Collector,Vellore District.Shri.Gopalji,Editor.Dinamalar.Vellore.visited our stall and impressed in our products