
Friday, December 29, 2023

Training on Coir mat weaving for women groups in Manaparai


The training programme for women groups in Coir mat weaving is done  rural outskirts of trichy  district of TN. in the month of Dec 2023

Bamboo products in india

 We train people in Bamboo crafts which is an value added products in Bamboo.The designs given below is been developed by our women groups .These particular venture is a lively hood income for rural women folk in coimbatore district of TN.




Yes its a event on eco friendly products @thirunelveli in the month of Dec 15th to 17th 2023.we displayed our Areca leaf plates,Banana fibre products,coir pots,Bio char and its project details.Near about 500 people gained the knowledge in eco friendly sectors. 

Sunday, December 10, 2023



its a training  programme in coir crafts making for soft ware techies who  eagerly  learnt this coir craft making conducted in Dec 01st to Dec 8th 2023 @ Coimbatore.


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Areca Leaf plates and women entrepreneurs in Laos on this Nov 2023

 We are privileged that we have trained these people in Areca Leaf Plates Making Sector in Laos.Yes they learn and earn in this particular wealth out of waste concepts.its an on going mission for the past  5 years in laos.

Training on Banana fibre crafts for the women entrepreneurs in Rwanda

 Yes...its a wealth out of waste concept ,its a banana fibre and the conversion which is a sustainable ,green concept and lively hood activity for the women folk in rwanda,east africa,on going training sessions and the women involvement in this particular project is en amorous.


Oxygen enriched indoor plants in Bamboo Pipes

 its an innovation and new Technic were these Bamboo Pipes can be used to grow ornamental ,oxygen enriched indoor plats which can be used as a decorative table top items in corporate sectors 


An women entrepreneur with coir pots

 The training on Cereals and live green growing concepts in coir pots  is been taught to women entrepreneurs  .This particular one Mrs.Gokila is a successful entrepreneur who grows live greens in coir pots and earns a sustainable income in this green business ventures.

A stall exposure for Areca Leaf plates @Thailand on 30th Nov 2023.

 Yes the Areca Leaf plate  products made out of rural women entrepreneurs in thailand and in india is been displayed in an event @thailand on 30th Nov 2023.


Awarness programme on Banana fibre and coirpot projects in Chithra durga ,Karnataka,

 Yes its a programme with Nabard DDM,Chithra Durga region,Karnataka,on 09th nov 2023 .in a small village at hosa durga region,were the FPO Members participated in this particular programme.

artisan welfare schemes through Dch,Govt of India

 An awareness programme on welfare schemes by development commissioner,handi crafts was conducted at meenakshi hall coimbatore on 17th nov 2023.Near about 100 Artisans participated and gained the knowledge about welfare schemes which is done by govt of India.

Training for rural women groups in dharwad karnataka


a sustainable concept which is a wealth out of waste programme that too in Banana wastage .by using the stem to extract fibre and to make utility handi crafts .For this we have given a training for women groups in Dharwad karnataka in the whole  month of Nov 2023.Near about 300 women participated and gained the knowledge about Banana fibre project.This particular project will enhance them to over come their poverty and will create a sustainable lively hood in their region.