Monday, November 28, 2016

47th international film festival of india goa 20th to 28th nov 2016

47th International Film Festival of India Goa.....Yes we have put a stall for Medicinal Plants and for AgriTourism. We displayed Rare endangered species of Herbs and Traditional and indigenous Seeds.My favorite Film Director from Bengali film industry Mr.kowshik ganguly visited our stall and appreciated our efforts in Bio Diversity Sector

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Banana fibre Project @ Arunachal Pradesh 10.11.16

Yes.......its a livelyhood project for Farmers, entrepreneurs ,women groups particularly in Banana fibre .The project was started in CSIR Arunachal Pradesh

Training on Banana fibre to CSIR SCIENTIST,Arunachal Pradesh ITA Nagar  

Banana fibre project launched in Manipur

Yes.......its a livelyhood project for Farmers, entrepreneurs ,women groups particularly in Banana fibre .The project was started in CSIR Manipur
Women Entrepreneur extracting Banana fibre 

Shri Bhava Nandha .President.BJP .Manipur Innaugurated the BANANA fibre project In Manipur 

Agroup of Women Entreprenurs in Manipur 

Scientist Shri HP Singh CSIR.and Shri Bhava Nandha President BJP