Thursday, September 19, 2024

A group of women entrepreneurs who started Banana bark made products under our guidance and support in anthanallur village,Trichy District of Tamil Nadu,

An awarness workshop on eco friendly projects was conducted for College students at Dhanalakshmi srinivasan university,perambalur.

Training on Bamboo crafts was conducted at a rural hamlet of telengana state,

Yes..its a intensive training programme on Bamboo crafts making for women groups conducted by ecogreenunit at achampet ,telengana ,were 100 women are trainied in Bmboo crafts making sector,this particular project will enhance their lively hood activites by making bamboo crafts as a income generation activity.

Agri statrup festival conducted by isha foundation,coimbatore on august 15th 2024

yes a lecture was given to the mass,near about 3500 people gathered in Agri start up festival on 15 th August 2024.

Training on Banana sheath tea cups

An innovative machinery for Banana sheath tea cup making is been introduced by ecogreenunit and its been launched at RURAL OUT SKIRTS IN THIRUNELVELI DISTRICT OF TAMIL NADU,WERE THE ABUIDANT RAW MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ,A women group took up this venture and it will be a sustainable liveliy hood activity for them,by promoting this banana sheath tea cup in Domesti and abroad as well.

our stall exposure for our eco freindly projects in bengaluru august 22nd 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Training for srilankan refugee women in Banana fibre crafts

The training programme on Banana fibre craft making was done for sri lanka refugee women in Aliyar refugee camp.Pollachi.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Products made out of lantana camera

The training programme lantana camera crafts was given to triabal familes in western ghats of south india.Lantana camera is an invasive weed whichcovers 40%of the forests in asia and in africa.this particular weed is been converted as furnitures and crafts .We provide training and technology in this particular concept which will be an income generation and sustainable lively hood for the traibal and down trodden people in third world COUNTRIES.

Awareness programme on eco friendly projects @Kunnapatti .Thurayur

yes its an awarness programme on Areca leaf plates making,Banana fibre extraction,Banana fibre crafts making,Coir Pots Making for rural women groups in Kunnapatti village on 07th July 2024.Near about 60 women attended this training programme and gained the knowledge in eco friendly projects.