Thursday, March 28, 2024

Bio char making project in Hoima Uganda


Bio chr making project started in a Bamboo farm in Hoima ,Uganda were the agro wastage and Bamboo wastage is been burnt by using a simple Bio Char klin and the bio char is been sold to farming communit and for urban farming sector and home gardens in uganda .Bio char is a soil enhancer and growth promoter in Agro Sector .Yes Bio char is a Black Gold.and it gives an extra income to farming community.

Cow Dung pot making project in Masindi,Uganda

Training on Bamboo crafts @ Hoima,Uganda in March 2024


Yes it was a start up in Bamboo crafts making @ Hoima ,a city which is located 200 Kms  north west of Kampala .its a bamboo hub of uganda were the farmers grow bamboo in large scale.The un employed youth got intensive training in Bamboo crafts which will be a self employment generation for the youth .its a kind of master trainer training programme were these trained youths can train others in Bamboo crafts.

Training on Banana fibre extraction and banana fibre mat weaving in masaka,Uganda 02nd march 2024

Yes its a start up in banana fibre project @ Masaka,in Buganda region which is located in west of Victoria Lake and its  135 Kms from Kamapala.The Banana cultivation is abundant in this region.We were invited by local administration and the training for Banana fibre project is been given to the rural women folk .Near about   30 women participated and its a 20 days programme were they got  Intensive training on this wealth out of wasyte concepts.